

We're blessed to have kids like Baz and Hadrien. When praying for my kids, I'd have to confess that first few things I ask for is that they grow up smart, healthy and happy (not necessarily in that order) - forgetting to ask that they also grow up to be kind, generous, patient, loving, etc. At this age however, they have learned to sympathize (or is it empathize?) and look out for others.

One time, when Papa and Mama were visiting, Papa remarked how many toys they had, which he didn't enjoy when he was growing up. Baz immediately asked why this was so and Papa answered that they didn't have money to spend on toys. Without saying a word, Baz got his checkbook and wrote out a check for "PAPA" to the tune of $100 and signed "Lucas Khan".

A few days after, when Raffy said that he was going to buy a cake for himself, Baz and Hadrien "but not mommy", Hadrien reminded him to get one for me too. Raffy told him that he only had money to buy 3 cakes so the ingenious Hadrien said "I know! I'm going to get money from Kuya's bank." Not knowing what was happening, but hearing that Hadrien was going to take money out of his piggy bank, Baz rushed over to stop Hadrien. At a loss as to what to do, Hadrien tearfully and with a quivering voice looked up to Raffy who was watching all this unfold and said "but mom...." Raffy ended up assuring him that he would buy a cake for mommy, too!


Anonymous said...

Aw, what sweet kids. They do have a high degree of empathy, I can vouch for that.

Unknown said...

Can Baz write me a check too? I need to buy a house. :)