
Conversations with Baz & Hadrien (Part 11)

H: Are we going weft oh wight? (left or right, with matching hand movements)

Mommy: What?

H: East oh West?


I was quizzing Hadrien on the animals on his book. It was the first time I was actually using this particular book with him so I didn't really expect him to know the animals except for the usual dog, cat, bear, snake, elephant, etc. But my little boy surprised me, in more than one way! On the "A" and "B" page, he was able to identify the anaconda, ant, armadillo, bear, beaver, badger. I flip the page and pointed to a camel and enjoyed a hearty laugh. His response: "ahmm..... hump, hump!"


Hadrien's first day of classes for this year was postponed 4 times! His first day should have been on June 15, but it was moved to June 22, then June 24, then classes on June 24 and 25 were cancelled due to the typhoons that never came to pass. He's not one to flaunt or express his frustrations, preferring instead to grunt and look away. But today, on the 4th aborted 1st school day of the year, he says:

Mommy, it's not raining anymore. So can I now go to school?


I've learned to use Facebook to capture the boys' quips. Here are some of my status updates out of the mouth of babes:

Baz: How old was Michael Jackson when he died? Raffy: 50. Baz: He was a middle adult! He was still young, right? (6 July 2009)

Baz: Why did Michael Jackson die? Raffy: He had a heart attack. Baz: No, because he changed his face! Hadrien: And he also changed his skin! He dies when he every time he changes his face! (5 July 2009)

Baz said: Mommy, it takes 3 days to go to the moon. That's 3 24 hours!(2 July 2009)

Baz just said: "When I become a man, I will blast off to America." While Hadrien said: "she's not my girlfriend" when I asked him to say "bye" to his classmate. (30 June 2009)

And from Raffy's Facebook status:

Told the mokongs that, before they were born, they were angels in heaven. Baz: "Were with angels with wings? Did we have stingers?" Hadrien: "How did we get to earth? Did we parachute?" B: "Did God throw us to earth?" H: "Is heaven above outer space?" B: "Did I pass outer space on the way to earth?" My answers: Yes. Angels, not bees. God sent you. No. No. Neither above nor below, but all around. No. (5 July 2009)

Hadrien: I'm a 'skeezah.' Baz: What's that?! H: Something you do to wubber ducks. B: You mean 'squeezer.' H: That's wight." And that is how Hadrien gets around pronunciation issues. (28 June 2009)

Hadrien: "I will NOT talk to you, Kuya!" Baz: "You're talking to me Hadrien. When you said you will not talk to me, you were talking to me." And that is how a four and a six year old brother argue. (20 June 2009)


Sweet Hadrien

The brothers are best of friends. They talk incessantly that we need to make sure that the lights are out in their bedroom by 8 pm, if we expect them to be asleep by 9. While we sometimes get impatient that it takes them so long to fall asleep, Raffy and I find it extremely amusing to hear them make up stories, finish each others' sentences and giggle at each others' quips.

They also look out for each other. Hadrien being the "maton" takes special care of his kuya when they're out in public. One time, a 3 year old playfully threw her shoes at Baz, and Hadrien didn't hesitate to retaliate (I won't say how as I don't want to incriminate my own son!).

The day after the fire in our building, the boys had to wear the same pair of pants since we didn't have spare clothes for our impromptu sleep-over in Alabang. Perhaps because Hadrien was wearing hand-me-downs which had been passed on to him only weeks before, Baz insisted on wearing the pair that Hadrien already had on. Hadrien was bothered that Baz was upset but naturally, wasn't prepared to give up his own pants for his kuya who had his own pair anyway. After 30 minutes or so, he checked up on his kuya saying "I love you, Kuya!" to which Baz responded: "Can I have your pants now?"

Two days ago, over lunch, there were just 4 tiny pieces of crispy fish which the boys love. Baz was busy with his Lego blocks and Hadrien scrambled to get what we thought was for him. But instead, he took 2 pieces and put them on Baz's plate before getting his own share!

The bond does not go unnoticed. Someone from Baz's school remarked at how the boys would be so pleased to see each other after school.

For Teachers Joy, Mandy and Timmy

Here's the video of pp. 3 and 4. The last part took sooo long. This process validates that it takes A LOT of patience to be a teacher. :)

Reading Assessment PArt 2 from malou.khan on Vimeo.