

Swiss Inn in Alabang, where we had lunch today, is on top of a BMW dealership. The cars and motorcycles were right there on the showroom floor, and naturally our adventurous boys couldn't resist. They took turns riding the mototycles, and reminded me to get them hemets.

Baz looks really cool in this shot, and he's on this thing like a trick rider:

And this is Hadrien's "What are you looking at?" expression, which looks even more menacing on a big bike:

It's probably inevitable - boys being boys - but I am not looking forward to the day when they ask for the keys to the car, or ask us to buy them a motorcycle, for real. Sorry boys, if you're reading this when you're 18: you're going to have to buy your big bikes yourself. Maybe the ones you rode today are selling cheap on Ebay.

1 comment:

V said...

Or maybe Ninong Nonie will let them buy his for cheap.