1. Baz: No Daddy's office!
Hadrien: I'm in Daddy's office! I'm typing in Daddy's office!!! (with matching typing motions)
2. A few days later
Hadrien: No daddy's office for you!
Baz: I'm in Daddy's office. I'm typing in Daddy's office! I'm eating in Daddy's office!
3. Baz: Here's the dextrose, here's the needle (while pretending to insert the needle on Hadrien's arm)
Hadrien: I throw the dextrose, I throw the needle! I throw the dextrose, I throw the needle! (what else, with matching actions of taking the needle out and throwing it across the room)
4. Hadrien: I throw away your eyes!
Baz: I throw your nose. You'll never find your nose now!!! Ha ha ha!!! (evil laughter, ala Swiper of Dora the Explorer)
5. Hadrien: I put you, I put you!
this is the nth time i've read this post and I still guffaw when I get to "I throw your nose!"
that's the fun with having more than one - it's fun to see their logic and humor evolve even through their fights. they manage to make each other cry just with words!!
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