
Of Fights and Kisses

I know what I'm about to say does not sound right.... but I didn't realize how funny it would be watching your own kids fight. I guess for as long as no serious injury results, disagreements and even fist fights can be healthy for children.

The first fight arose from the boys arguing over a toy. Hadrien was only 6 months old then but he managed to wrestle a toy from Baz and hold on to it. Not only was I surprised - Baz was shocked at his brother's gall!

At some point, Hadrien discovered the joy of pulling Baz's hair. More than a couple of times, Raffy and I would hear Baz wail "Hadrien is pulling my hair!" True enough, Hadrien was dragging Baz around the condo with a handful of Baz's hair and a smile. I know some might disagree (even strongly), but instead of scolding Hadrien, I told Baz sternly "I won't help you if you don't help yourself!!" I guess that rubbed off soon enough. Baz learned to stand up for himself and Hadrien became less of the (smiling) aggressor.

I would say that fights happen at the Khan condo at an averate rate of 1 fight per hour these days. A pretty decent rate considering that Baz and Hadrien are 4 and 2 years old. The boys even have their own corners where Raffy and I send them to make sure they don't fight while they're on time out. But I'm not too worried - I may see them fight, push and hit each other, but I also see them kiss and hug each other tightly. This, to me, is the most important for it shows that their fights are merely temporary.

The latest development is that both boys have discovered head butts. I think this was occasioned by the many time-outs they earned for hitting each other on the head or backs.
The first time I saw this, I thought that Baz was being sweet to this brother by putting his forehead against Hadrien's until I realized that he was actually pushing down on Hadrien with his head. True to form, Hadrien responds with not just 1 head butt, but 2! Today, Baz managed to even the score a bit with a strong head butt. So much to Hadrien's chagrin, he went to bed with a bit of a bump tonight. Last time I checked though, they were hugging each other while asleep :)

1 comment:

benjiedlp said...

time to get the kids those wrestling uniforms -and teach them to tag team!

(maybe with the busuego boys?)
