
Hadrien and his booguh!

A very annoyed and frustrated Hadrien woke me up this morning screaming "booguh!!!" - I tried to ignore it at first hoping that it was just a dream and that he would fall asleep again. Alas, I was not so lucky. In an effort to appease him, all I could manage in such groggy state was a few strokes on his nostrils and a feeble attempt to fish out the offending "booguh" - still no luck. Eventually, one of us fell asleep before the other. Tonight, while lulling himself to sleep, Hadrien checked to make sure that his body parts were still intact -"ayt" (eyes), "not" (nose) and what else - booguh! The day started and ended with "booguh" on his mind.

1 comment:

B&HDaddy said...

Smart guy. After all, what do you get from your "not"? E di S-not!