So here goes....

These are the most recent photos of the boys (including Raffy) - taken on Baz's birthday.
Since his birthday fell on Easter Sunday, Raffy thought that the kids would enjoy painting (instead of hunting) their own easter eggs - he was right! The kids had a blast! Aside from getting to paint the eggs in various shades of purple, Baz learned to deal with droplets of paint on his hands. Hadrien, on the other hand, was oblivious to the wet paintbrush on his cheeks.
It was a good day. To Baz, my first-born, my sunshine and my Wallace (guess who's Grommit?) - Happy Purple!
When one of the eggs fell, it cracked in the middle giving it a "mouth". So I took the egg and lifted the top part up and down and up and down and gave it a voice. Baz loved that the egg could talk and he was conversing with it. He knew it was just pretend-play but he enjoyed it nonetheless. When the egg was turning all icky and gooey already I told Baz that the egg was tired and had to sleep now but he didn't want the egg to sleep just yet because he was enjoying the conversation. He showed it to his daddy all excited "Daddy, the egg cracked...and it talked!" But his daddy just heard "the egg cracked" and explained to Baz that he had to throw the egg and Baz just said "yes" (sort of dejectedly --at least compared to how excited he was telling his dad that "the egg talked!").
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