
Baz is moving up!

It's been a long time since we last posted. Needless to say, there's a lot that is left undocumented which I will surely regret.

Just this week, we had 2 moving up days. One for Baz and one for Hadrien. As part of the program, Baz had to throw a hoop into the air and catch it. Since Baz abhors any kind of public performance, I was hopeful - but did not expect him to do the usual dance moves which his classmates so effortlessly did. But perform he did - at least in the hoops part - and we were so proud of him, knowing that it did not come easy to him.

Baz is moving up from Explorations! from malou.khan on Vimeo.

Congratulations, Baz, aka Lucas! You made Mommy, Daddy, Hadrien, Mama, Papa and yaya proud watching you.

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