
How Do You Pee?!

The hazards of having to take your son to the public bathroom when you have no choice but to have him stay in the stall while you do your business...

The following conversation is a variant of a similar conversation last week. This one took place at home as we were all getting ready to leave.

B: Mommy, can I see your penis?

M: I don’t have one.

B: What?!!! How do you pee?

M: Baz remember your lesson about flowers? There are boy parts and girl parts.

D: Mommy has A stamen. Ha ha ha ha ha ha…

Note: The last two lines were typed by Baz. So, for the record, he can say that he started blogging at age 6 :). He even wanted to be accurate in the number of "ha's" to type, asking Raffy how many times he laughed.

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