
1st Sem PTC's for SY 2009-2010

Can't believe we're past the half-way mark for this school year! The boys are breezing through the year, enjoying every day they're in school. Whenever I ask them how school was, they would say without thinking "FUN!" I believe this as they come out smiling, bursting with the need to narrate their activities for the day.

We had Baz's PTC yesterday and am proud to say that he's doing very well. Cautious Baz is taking more risks, participates in group and teacher-directed activities. Mighty pleased to say that he did VERY well in his reading tests! Not that I was surprised as I've been harping about his ability to read at an early age. And it's not just reading, but actually understanding and asking questions about materials he reads. He needs to work on opening up and engaging with friends more though.

Dubbed as the "little binata" of the Kinder Koala class, Hadrien did Mommy and Daddy proud too! Teachers find his ability to retain and repeat information he absorbs from everyday conversations and experiences remarkable. He did well in the literacy aspect and shows his love for books. Needless to say, he knows his ABC's and 123's. He just needs to work on sticking to his task, opening up, being more interested in writing and drawing.

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