
Hadrienisms Part 2

The boys have an accent. For Hadrien specially, it's because he can't, or refuses to, enunciate some letters preferring instead to emphasize the vowels in the syllables with consonants "r" and "l". His teachers told us once that Hadrien gets upset they can't decipher what he's trying to say. But instead of saying the word more slowly, he just repeats himself but with a louder voice, and a frustrated look to match.

Lately though, he's trying to figure out different ways to help us understand what he's saying.

H: Yaya, can I have kwa-kes? (crackers)

Yaya: What?! Cockroach?!@#$%

H: No, sky-fakes!


H: Look at that tuck!

Mommy: What tuck?

Y: The big car behind us!


H: Is Venice on "Ot" (earth)

M: What's "ot"?

H: The pa-net (planet) , hee (here), where we ah!

1 comment:

rebeckamikaze said...

At least he's learning how to provide definitions!
So cute!