The other "event" today for the two Mokongs was participating wholeheartedly in Earth Hour, the World Wildlife Fund supported initiative in which you cut off electric consumption for one hour. This year's event started at 8:30pm. We talked to the two boys about Earth Hour, and they've been seeing the logo all over lately so they're pretty familiar with it. Leading up to it, Baz kept asking, "Is it 8:30 already?"
We turned everything off at the appointed hour, and from the condo balcony started shouting, "Earth Hour! Earth Hour!" There was a Jollibee in the ground floor of the building across from us, so when the boys saw that it still had its lights on, they began shouting, "Jollibee! Earth Hour!" A couple of minutes later the branch shut off its lights. I don't think they heard us, but then again it was a pretty quiet night, and our voices may have carried from the 9th floor.
It was also a pretty hot night, so with everything off initin boy Hadrien started to complain. But we reminded him about the importance of Earth Hour so he bided his time until we could turn on the air-conditioning again an hour later.
Anyway the plan was to get them to sleep by the end of Earth Hour - we have an early day tomorrow - but between the heat and their excitement about the event, no go. With the aircon on, though, the two little ones have drifted off to sleep comfortably. Maybe next year's Earth Hour can be done sometime in January instead of March!
Uhmmm..the Earth hour was only lights lang ang pinapapatay..not the aircon..hehehehehehehehe
I guess Hadrien knew that as he sneakily turned the fan on :) When caught, he said "but it's hot!!!"
uhmmm, it's not just symbolic, it's meant to open you up to the reality that earth's resources are diminishing -- so the more inconvenient it is for you, the more you realize you should take care of the planet's resources :P
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