So here I am looking back at how much my babies have grown. Yes, I've started calling them babies again, pleading with them not to grow up too fast, and making them promise that they would always be my babies even when they have their own babies! By the way, for the record, they both agreed!
I digress....
Wasn't it only yesterday when Baz hopelessly tried to crawl across the bed? How much time had passed since he would consistently poop just as we were stuck in traffic in front of Pioneer center - and grip Yaya's arms as he made funny you-kn0w-what sounds? And how about the time we fed him loads of carrots, mangoes and squash to a point that Dra. Garces could see that he was turning orange as soon as he stepped though her clinic doors? Oh - now that topic calls for another post - but I clearly remember how he cried and cried and cried whenever we were in - or even just 2 blocks away from - the doctor's clinic. He would hang on to the door jambs and would scare the wits out of 8 and 9 year olds waiting for their turn to see the good doctor!
How about the time when he refused to say "papaya"?
Mommy: Say, papaya.
Baz: Bibida
Mommy: No, papaya. Pa-pa-ya
Baz: Bibida!
Mommy: Say papa.
Baz: Papa
Mommy: Ya!
Baz: ya!
Mommy: Papaya!
Baz: Bibida!!!
And then that time he didn't want to cooperate with mama who wanted him to say "chocolate".
Mama: Chocolate - not - coco-late.
Baz: coco-late.
Mama: How about Ate Chona? Say Ate Chona
Baz: Ate Chona
Mama: Say Champaca
Baz: Champaca
Mama: Now saw chocolate (perhaps thinking that she had pushed Baz into a corner)
Baz: Coco-late
Mama: Ate Chona
Baz: Ate Co-na!
Two weeks have passed since I started this post and I am now overtaken by events. Yesterday, my precocious boys got into one of their usual fights, but this time, with a weapon. Soon enough there was wailing and when I asked Hadrien what happened, my ever quick to the draw boy said that his kuya had started the fight. As I turned to ask Baz his version of events, he held a white thing in front of me and asked me what it was. It took me a second or two - and a quick look at his slightly bloodied lips and shirt - to figure out that Hadrien knocked his brother's tooth off!
Here are the last photos of Baz with a complete set of baby teeth (gaps and all!).
Obviously, the wobbly teeth don't bother him. I guess, for now, it's just me who's bothered by the fact that he is slowly losing his baby teeth. Much too soon, he becoming less and less of a baby.
whoa! that must've been some fight!!
wawa bazeee!!!!
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