"Dear Jesus,
Thank you for our blessings today. Please always watch over us and help us to be good boys and girls. We love you. Thank you."
Baz: Please give us a sister.
Hadrien: Please take care of Daddy's backache.
Baz: Please bless the girl in Ethiopia.
Hadrien: And please give her clean water.
They're supposed to be sleeping right now but I hear them squealing, giggling and whispering "porkchop" and "spareribs" (their food pet names) to each other.
Who's the porkchop and who's the sparerib?
tell b&h daddy that his back will ache less if the weight in front is also lessened..hawahahahwahhawwhahw
me thinks their daddy's back ache is due to his fat front
Yeah yeah yeah ...
Vix, Baz - who's thin - is "spareribs" and Hadrien is "porkchop."
Guess what the kids call Raffy .... Meatballs!
I guess it should've been obvious...though Hadrien isn't even what you'd call plump!
So what culinary nickname do they call Malou?
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