
Kinareer na Homework

Some would say I'm taking homework too seriously. Maybe I am. But let me explain.

We've asked Baz's teachers to allow him to submit homework as videos which he can show his class only because he still has trouble verbalizing (ok, talking) in school. We hope that these videos will help him feel at ease with the thought of his friends hearing his voice and will also remind his friends that he does talk.

The good news is that he is much more communicative in school, even to the point of hugging and kissing his teachers when asked, initiating communication (albeit by hand movements) and now reacts with a smile when convenient - to avoid doing something he doesn't want to do. His teachers do admit that once he flashes that smile, he sometimes gets his way. He's also started to make sounds in class - perhaps in an attempt to finally break the silence.

His homework had 2 parts. The first part was for him to portray his favorite animal - and lucky us, he chose the rhino! The second part was for him to investigate certain characteristics of an assigned animal - the tortoise.

Baz Reports on Tortoises from malou.khan on Vimeo.

It wasn't hard to get Baz to do his homework or talk in front of a camera. Except that time when Hadrien was making side comments to which an annoyed Baz said "I'm not making this video for you!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At 00:53 of video -- "Teacher, what are the turtles doing?"