First stop was Whole Foods where we picked up some apples, oranges, bananas, blackberries, milk, veggies and some cookies. As I had to walk back in the rain with a child and groceries in tow, I stuck to the bare necessities.
Then it was off to meet with my college friends - Carol, Eleonor and Rowena. We took the PATH train. Baz likes navigating so I asked him to look out for our stops. On the way, he kept asking, "what city are we in". Much as we were moving and that I didn't know exactly which city we were heading to, I answered "We are now going to the state of NJ , we came from the state of NY. Remember, there are 52 states in the United States of America?" To which he replied readily, "no, 50 states". I wonder where I got 52 as he turned out to be right!
Eleonor has a 3.5 year old son, Dylan, who Baz didn't want to talk to at first. After 20 minutes or so (and with me falling asleep leaving him no one to talk to), they had become fast friends. Dylan reminded both Baz and me of Hadrien because of his mischievousness, height and voice. Soon, Baz played with Dylan and his toys, and was specially fond of his train set. Here are a couple pictures of the 2 -
And here are the two gamely "posing" for the camera - guess who's idea this was:
Kate, Rowena's daughter who turns 2 in June, and Riley, Eleonor's second son, joined in on the fun.
After play time, it was off to dinner at Legal Seafoods.
It's been a long time since my friends and I got together. Hope we find a way to do that soon :)
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