
Conversations with Baz and Hadrien (Part 5)

Baz is almost 5 years old -- and is still thumb-sucking. We've resorted to "threats" lately (we'll put tabasco sauce on your thumb, you might swallow your thumb, etc.), which haven't worked. One day, he noticed us looking at him with his thumb against his mouth.

Baz: You know what, Daddy? This is not thumb-sucking. This is nail-sucking!


On another occasion,

Baz: Daddy, I know what you can do when you catch me thumb-sucking. You can just tootay my thumb!


Then one time, as we caught him picking his nose:

Baz: I'm picking my nose. I like my booger. I think about my booger all the time.


Hadrien loves coming over when I sit in front of the computer. This time, he was holding the carton inside the toiletpaper roll and was peering at me through it.

Hadrien: I see you!

Mommy: (after taking the carton from him) I see a little boy in front of me. I think he'll be 3 years old soon. And he seems to be growing taller and taller and getting bigger and bigger.

Hadrien: (stretching himself) And I'll be big and tall like Goliath and I will put (push) him!

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