Among Baz's quirks are that he's slow to warm up and his refusal to talk in school. This has caused quite a concern for us. Starting christmas though, he began to show remarkable improvement - by "performing" with his classmates during their christmas program, engaging in conversations with even his Tita Bel, whom he sees only when she visits the Philippines, working with his teachers, specially Teacher Gabby.
But the thing that surprised us most was how he and his favorite classmate, Anton, made plans for a playdate. It happened Wednesday of this week and they planned for Anton to come home with him and Hadrien the following day. So even if the boys had a pre-planned doctor's appointment, we decided to forgo it in favor of the playdate. It isn't everyday that Baz invites a friend over. And we wanted to see if he would talk to someone from school.
The playdate was a huge success! Baz started talking the minute they got on the elevator and didn't seem to stop talking to Anton since. In fact, Anton had to ask "will you talk in school now?" The boys had a great time playing at our condo and then at the playground in UPB. They even collectively got into a "fight" with a boy who said the word "stupid". When Anton's mom picked him up close to 9 pm, Baz was sad to see Anton go (and I'm glad to say Anton didn't want to leave either) - so much so that the following day, Baz wanted to go to Anton's house. Raffy and I gladly obliged and sent the boys over.
I think we will be having more playdates now. On one hand, I'm very happy to see him open up and let go some of his self-imposed restraint. On the other, I felt a tug at the thought that it won't be long before the boys prefer their friends' company to ours. It reminded me to devote more time with the kids. Now, before they outgrow their wanting to be with mommy and daddy all the time :)
From Ninang Ritchie
Went to pick up mom from pasig and saw the boys playing with Anton..Baz is finally making his own friends and he was the one who invited Anton and set the playdate.
Meanwhile, the kid brother is busy making enemies....when I went up to the Roof Deck to look for the boys.....Ham was the first to greet me when I arrived..then another little boy, not Anton, went up to me and said "Are you his mother?"... I said "No, I'm his aunt, why?"
boy said, "He is annoying me?" I said, "really, what did he do?" boy said, "He keeps saying "stop that stop that....."
Apparently, the boy slipped out the word "stupid" and Ham being a consciencious little fellow said "Stop That!" ...but being a naughty little fellow...Ham chased the boy (who was about Baz's age) and kept repeating "stop that!!" until the boy got pikon!!!!
then, when the boy tried to get back at him..Ham hid behind his yaya.