They'll usually spend a few more minutes talking - to me, their Mommy, Yaya Dora or to each other - and they'll come up with all sorts of excuses just to get up and walk about. Baz'll say that he wants to pee, which Hadrien will second, and since you can't second guess them on that, they both get to go to the toilet and stand there looking around but not actually peeing. Then Hadrien will ask for water, and attempt to walk out to the kitchen with you to get it.

So after about 10 to 15 minutes of this I'll say that I'm just going to step out for five minutes but when I come back I will tickle whoever isn't sleeping. Five minutes later they're both still awake, but at least, are pretending to sleep. I'll ask, "Who's not sleeping?" And usually Baz will giggle but keep his eyes shut, consistent with the fiction that he's asleep. Sometimes he'll make "tow...tow" sounds (think Darth Vader breathing through his mask, but less forbidding), which to him is like snoring.
Hadrien, meantime, can't help but open his eyes,and when he sees me looking at him, will immediately shut them (really tight) and say, "I'm sleeping." Then he'll open his eyes a few seconds later, and say, "I love you Daddy. Can I kiss woo goodnight?" Kiss. "Can I hug woo?" Hug.
They're really asleep another 15 minutes after that.
1 comment:
ahh hadrien, so cute and so manipulative :)
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