
Hadrien the Performer

I'm in desperate need of a firewire cable. The kids are growing up so fast and much too much of their antics can no longer go unrecorded. Yesterday, I attempted to buy one and just my luck - they gave me a USB cable - utterly useless!

Today, Hadrien pulled me away from my Mac with a part of his toy which he was using as a microphone. He then demanded that I sing "I'm singing in the rain" not just anywhere but in the hallway of their room. When he was satisfied that I was in the exact spot he wanted me to perform in, he danced and swayed along as I sang. He then called his Daddy and watched as Raffy and I both sang and danced while he watched with a mischievous grin and his hands on his hips.

Before being sent off to bed, he spun around with arms outstretched and called out "townd of mutik"... What else but his rendition of Maria Von Trapp's Sound of Music :) True to form, he repeated this over and over when he realized that it was a hit!


Karin said...

That's the cutest thing. You DO need to record this! But, at least you have it documented someplace.


Anonymous said...

That's my godson, alright!

Ninang Mai