1. duy-du-wite (cellulite)
2. hey, daddy, I'm eating put-oops! (fruit loops)
3. juts (juice)
4. bown bea, bown bea, what do you see? I see a wed bed wooking at me... I see a bu hot... I see a bak pip, I see a weyow duck, I see a pu poo cat, I see a geen fog, I see a gowd pis... wooking at me...
5. toddwes, unminimi (toddlers unlimited)
6. bitsy bitsy pider kaym up da water pout, down came the rain an was the pider out, down came the tun and died up all the rain and the bitsy bitsy pider kaym up the pout again.
7. baa baaa back peep have you any woo? yet tir, yet tir, tee bags pull.
8. boo tut, weyow tut, wed tut, oop!
9. Tanda Booooooooooooynton
10. Wing-awound a wosi, a pocket pull of posie, a tit-chu, a tit-chu, we all po down.
11. Humty dumty tat in a wall. Humty dunty had a geyt poll. All the king's hoses, and all the king's men, couldn't put Humty (inaudible) e-gain!
Of Fights and Kisses (Part 2)
1. Baz: No Daddy's office!
Hadrien: I'm in Daddy's office! I'm typing in Daddy's office!!! (with matching typing motions)
2. A few days later
Hadrien: No daddy's office for you!
Baz: I'm in Daddy's office. I'm typing in Daddy's office! I'm eating in Daddy's office!
3. Baz: Here's the dextrose, here's the needle (while pretending to insert the needle on Hadrien's arm)
Hadrien: I throw the dextrose, I throw the needle! I throw the dextrose, I throw the needle! (what else, with matching actions of taking the needle out and throwing it across the room)
4. Hadrien: I throw away your eyes!
Baz: I throw your nose. You'll never find your nose now!!! Ha ha ha!!! (evil laughter, ala Swiper of Dora the Explorer)
5. Hadrien: I put you, I put you!
Hadrien: I'm in Daddy's office! I'm typing in Daddy's office!!! (with matching typing motions)
2. A few days later
Hadrien: No daddy's office for you!
Baz: I'm in Daddy's office. I'm typing in Daddy's office! I'm eating in Daddy's office!
3. Baz: Here's the dextrose, here's the needle (while pretending to insert the needle on Hadrien's arm)
Hadrien: I throw the dextrose, I throw the needle! I throw the dextrose, I throw the needle! (what else, with matching actions of taking the needle out and throwing it across the room)
4. Hadrien: I throw away your eyes!
Baz: I throw your nose. You'll never find your nose now!!! Ha ha ha!!! (evil laughter, ala Swiper of Dora the Explorer)
5. Hadrien: I put you, I put you!
Update on "No Free Lunch"
We've managed to get Baz to eat lunch with his classmate. It wasn't easy but here's how...
Day 1, Monday, I dropped by during lunch. After much teasing, convincing (ok, ok, I admit, a threatening look and words to match), I finally got Baz to eat in the library while I read "The Green Fox" by Eric Carle to him (it was, after all, a good book!). Every now and then, Baz would say, "I don't want them to see" or "I don't want to finish it".
Day 2, Tuesday, I stopped by for lunch again, this time with a pack of marshmallows for him to enjoy and eat with his classmates on condition that he take his meal in the classroom with his teachers and friends. It worked! He ate, shared his marshmallows, and even picked on his Isabelle's muffins and teacher's cereals.
Today, Day 3, the deal was that I wouldn't be coming over for lunch but that I would pick him up... So.... he did eat with his teachers and classmates - 2 whole pieces of tiny marshmallows - but that's enough for me.
I'm happy that in 3 days, he has progressed. Now, how do I get him to eat lunch? I'm not too worried or stressed out anymore though. That shuttling back and forth the office paid off! Thanks Teacher Maiya!
We've managed to get Baz to eat lunch with his classmate. It wasn't easy but here's how...
Day 1, Monday, I dropped by during lunch. After much teasing, convincing (ok, ok, I admit, a threatening look and words to match), I finally got Baz to eat in the library while I read "The Green Fox" by Eric Carle to him (it was, after all, a good book!). Every now and then, Baz would say, "I don't want them to see" or "I don't want to finish it".
Day 2, Tuesday, I stopped by for lunch again, this time with a pack of marshmallows for him to enjoy and eat with his classmates on condition that he take his meal in the classroom with his teachers and friends. It worked! He ate, shared his marshmallows, and even picked on his Isabelle's muffins and teacher's cereals.
Today, Day 3, the deal was that I wouldn't be coming over for lunch but that I would pick him up... So.... he did eat with his teachers and classmates - 2 whole pieces of tiny marshmallows - but that's enough for me.
I'm happy that in 3 days, he has progressed. Now, how do I get him to eat lunch? I'm not too worried or stressed out anymore though. That shuttling back and forth the office paid off! Thanks Teacher Maiya!
No free lunch

Baz hasn't been eating at school.
It was never an issue before. When we enrolled him in January, and for the summer, his class was from 9am to 12nn, so packing a midmorning snack with finger food like cereal, crackers or pieces of fruit was easy. So was eating it.
But now it's lunch. We started a week and a half ago with the usual rice, meat and vegetables. Not a bite. Then we tried just rice and his favorite vegetables, kangkong. Still not eating. We tried a banana, cheese and cereal a couple of days ago - he didn't even open the lunchbox. So today we had pasta - he loves noodles as long as it's not too saucy - plus I went there at lunchtime with some McDonald's french fries and chicken nuggets (Friday's sharing day, in any event).
He put his lips to the tip of one nugget, but didn't take a bite. Not even a sip of water.
At least I had an interesting lunch with his classmates(twins Mia and Isabel, Matteo, Milena, Anton and Sebastian - yes, another Sebastian), one of whom knows the capital of Finland.
I think it's a warm up issue, an opinion I shared with Teachers Gabby and Lisa afterwards. The consensus: just keep trying until he's familiar with the environment.
Mommy Psycho!
Too many times, I've been guilty of over-analyzing the boys, their habits, likes and dislikes. But I just can't help it. In a snapshot, Baz is the precocious, deep-thinker, perfectionist one while Hadrien is the gregarious, ready-to-try-not-afraid-to-make-mistakes, face-your-fears kinda guy. Like most moms, I will swear by my kids' intelligence and wit.
The thing that bothers me though is that Baz has always been wary of showing off. Truth be told, he learned his ABC's at 18 months, could spell and read 3-letter words before he turned 2!. He memoriazed "Pancakes, Pancakes" by Eric Carle at 2. Yesterday, I cajoled him into reading out the ingredients from the brownie carton just to get him to practice reading (short digression: he read "chilled milk" as "child milk". BUT HE WON'T SHOW THIS TO ANYBODY ELSE!!!! I sometimes feel people don't believe me anymore when I regale them with stories about Baz. He started pre-school in January and learned to write "Baz Khan" thanks to Teacher Nikki and Teacher Claudia. But before he'd write, he'd say "I don't like anyone to see" or "please guide my hand" - even if such guidance consisted of a mere gentle tap on his elbow.
I worry that he doesn't engage with other kids. I worry that he won't do well in his entrance exams not because he doesn't have the skills but that he will refuse to demonstrate them. I worry about this and that. I worry a lot. But as if to reassure or stump me, he spent a good half-hour running and playing hide-and-seek with his cousins during a party last Saturday.
I guess I'll never stop worrying about the boys. If it's not this, it will be for another reason. So, much as I wanted to hold off writing about my fears, I figured writing it will help me see things in perspective and deal with my worries more constructively.
The thing that bothers me though is that Baz has always been wary of showing off. Truth be told, he learned his ABC's at 18 months, could spell and read 3-letter words before he turned 2!. He memoriazed "Pancakes, Pancakes" by Eric Carle at 2. Yesterday, I cajoled him into reading out the ingredients from the brownie carton just to get him to practice reading (short digression: he read "chilled milk" as "child milk". BUT HE WON'T SHOW THIS TO ANYBODY ELSE!!!! I sometimes feel people don't believe me anymore when I regale them with stories about Baz. He started pre-school in January and learned to write "Baz Khan" thanks to Teacher Nikki and Teacher Claudia. But before he'd write, he'd say "I don't like anyone to see" or "please guide my hand" - even if such guidance consisted of a mere gentle tap on his elbow.
I worry that he doesn't engage with other kids. I worry that he won't do well in his entrance exams not because he doesn't have the skills but that he will refuse to demonstrate them. I worry about this and that. I worry a lot. But as if to reassure or stump me, he spent a good half-hour running and playing hide-and-seek with his cousins during a party last Saturday.
I guess I'll never stop worrying about the boys. If it's not this, it will be for another reason. So, much as I wanted to hold off writing about my fears, I figured writing it will help me see things in perspective and deal with my worries more constructively.
I wish I could be invisible sometimes
Woke up this morning to the sound of the two boys having a conversation. This was around 9am - Hadrien and I had awoke at 6am (he's ALWAYS the first one up), then I drifted off to sleep again after getting him out of his wet diaper and taking him to the breakfast table.
This time they were fooling around with their two Mr. Potatoheads - "Mitah Head" according to Hadrien. They've got the Darth Tater version (that's Mr. Potatohead dressed as Darth Vader) and a Mr. Potatohead disguise kit. So Hadrien was going through each of the pieces, asking Baz each time, "Wat dis?", "Wat dat?", and Baz was patiently explaining that this was a mustache, that one a nose, and so forth.
I was hiding beneath my pillow so they wouldn't know they were being observed. I wonder how many just-the-two-of-them conversations we've missed simply because the dynamic between them changes in the presence of adults. Makes you wish you could be invisible, to just watch them at play.
This time they were fooling around with their two Mr. Potatoheads - "Mitah Head" according to Hadrien. They've got the Darth Tater version (that's Mr. Potatohead dressed as Darth Vader) and a Mr. Potatohead disguise kit. So Hadrien was going through each of the pieces, asking Baz each time, "Wat dis?", "Wat dat?", and Baz was patiently explaining that this was a mustache, that one a nose, and so forth.
I was hiding beneath my pillow so they wouldn't know they were being observed. I wonder how many just-the-two-of-them conversations we've missed simply because the dynamic between them changes in the presence of adults. Makes you wish you could be invisible, to just watch them at play.
Of Fights and Kisses
I know what I'm about to say does not sound right.... but I didn't realize how funny it would be watching your own kids fight. I guess for as long as no serious injury results, disagreements and even fist fights can be healthy for children.
The first fight arose from the boys arguing over a toy. Hadrien was only 6 months old then but he managed to wrestle a toy from Baz and hold on to it. Not only was I surprised - Baz was shocked at his brother's gall!
At some point, Hadrien discovered the joy of pulling Baz's hair. More than a couple of times, Raffy and I would hear Baz wail "Hadrien is pulling my hair!" True enough, Hadrien was dragging Baz around the condo with a handful of Baz's hair and a smile. I know some might disagree (even strongly), but instead of scolding Hadrien, I told Baz sternly "I won't help you if you don't help yourself!!" I guess that rubbed off soon enough. Baz learned to stand up for himself and Hadrien became less of the (smiling) aggressor.
I would say that fights happen at the Khan condo at an averate rate of 1 fight per hour these days. A pretty decent rate considering that Baz and Hadrien are 4 and 2 years old. The boys even have their own corners where Raffy and I send them to make sure they don't fight while they're on time out. But I'm not too worried - I may see them fight, push and hit each other, but I also see them kiss and hug each other tightly. This, to me, is the most important for it shows that their fights are merely temporary.
The latest development is that both boys have discovered head butts. I think this was occasioned by the many time-outs they earned for hitting each other on the head or backs.
The first time I saw this, I thought that Baz was being sweet to this brother by putting his forehead against Hadrien's until I realized that he was actually pushing down on Hadrien with his head. True to form, Hadrien responds with not just 1 head butt, but 2! Today, Baz managed to even the score a bit with a strong head butt. So much to Hadrien's chagrin, he went to bed with a bit of a bump tonight. Last time I checked though, they were hugging each other while asleep :)
The first fight arose from the boys arguing over a toy. Hadrien was only 6 months old then but he managed to wrestle a toy from Baz and hold on to it. Not only was I surprised - Baz was shocked at his brother's gall!
At some point, Hadrien discovered the joy of pulling Baz's hair. More than a couple of times, Raffy and I would hear Baz wail "Hadrien is pulling my hair!" True enough, Hadrien was dragging Baz around the condo with a handful of Baz's hair and a smile. I know some might disagree (even strongly), but instead of scolding Hadrien, I told Baz sternly "I won't help you if you don't help yourself!!" I guess that rubbed off soon enough. Baz learned to stand up for himself and Hadrien became less of the (smiling) aggressor.
I would say that fights happen at the Khan condo at an averate rate of 1 fight per hour these days. A pretty decent rate considering that Baz and Hadrien are 4 and 2 years old. The boys even have their own corners where Raffy and I send them to make sure they don't fight while they're on time out. But I'm not too worried - I may see them fight, push and hit each other, but I also see them kiss and hug each other tightly. This, to me, is the most important for it shows that their fights are merely temporary.
The latest development is that both boys have discovered head butts. I think this was occasioned by the many time-outs they earned for hitting each other on the head or backs.
The first time I saw this, I thought that Baz was being sweet to this brother by putting his forehead against Hadrien's until I realized that he was actually pushing down on Hadrien with his head. True to form, Hadrien responds with not just 1 head butt, but 2! Today, Baz managed to even the score a bit with a strong head butt. So much to Hadrien's chagrin, he went to bed with a bit of a bump tonight. Last time I checked though, they were hugging each other while asleep :)
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