Mommy: What?
H: East oh West?
I was quizzing Hadrien on the animals on his book. It was the first time I was actually using this particular book with him so I didn't really expect him to know the animals except for the usual dog, cat, bear, snake, elephant, etc. But my little boy surprised me, in more than one way! On the "A" and "B" page, he was able to identify the anaconda, ant, armadillo, bear, beaver, badger. I flip the page and pointed to a camel and enjoyed a hearty laugh. His response: "ahmm..... hump, hump!"
Hadrien's first day of classes for this year was postponed 4 times! His first day should have been on June 15, but it was moved to June 22, then June 24, then classes on June 24 and 25 were cancelled due to the typhoons that never came to pass. He's not one to flaunt or express his frustrations, preferring instead to grunt and look away. But today, on the 4th aborted 1st school day of the year, he says:
Mommy, it's not raining anymore. So can I now go to school?
I've learned to use Facebook to capture the boys' quips. Here are some of my status updates out of the mouth of babes: