On the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, we decided to attend mass at Greenbelt. One of the readings was the story of Adam and Eve, which the kids were familiar with. Every now and then, Hadrien would ask, "did they get the apple", "why did they eat the apple", "did God get mad", etc. I was quite happy that he was listening and that he understood. When the reader got to the part where God was admonishing Adam and Eve - and I think the passage went, "why did you eat from the tree
which bore the forbidden fruit" - Hadrien's eyes widened "Why is there a witch?" Of course, I found it impossible to explain that the reader said "which" and not "witch" :)
Shortly after the reading, Hadrien fell asleep. The next day, Baz scolded Hadrien for falling asleep.
B: You know Hadrien, you missed out on the story and the songs when you fell asleep during the mass. You know that, Hadrien? That's why you should not sleep during mass.
H: Why?
(Looking worried and biting his nails) Did he (referring to the priest, I guess) say I can't sleep?
The kids have gotten used to calling our driver "Kuya Oca". Curious Hadrien decided to question this one day.
H: Why "kuya"?
Mommy: Because he's older. You call him "kuya" as a sign of respect.
H: But Papa ....
(his way of saying but I don't call Papa (his lolo) "kuya" even if he's older!)
Raffy: Mommy should obey Daddy.
H: But Daddy, she's not a children!
B: Mommy, do you obey Daddy?
Mommy: hmm..... only if he's right.
B: Do you obey your mommy and daddy?
(while thinking uh-oh, how do I respond to this?) .y-yeah...
B: And we have to obey Mommy and Daddy.
Mommy: Yes!
B: Do we have to obey Mama and Papa (my parents)?
Finally, on the way home, Baz turned teenager on us and was acting sullen.
Daddy: Baz, what's wrong?
Baz (in a "don't-trifle-with-me" voice): I'm tired!
Daddy: Why are you tired?
Baz: I've had a long day!
Daddy: Why? Why did you say you've had a long day?
Baz: Because I've been to four places already! (Apparently he counted the afternoon activities only: church for mass, dinner at a restaurant in Greenbelt 5, then Grandma's condo, then Malou's office to pick up some files, in addition to spending all morning in school!)
He spent the rest of the drive home staring fixedly out the window.